

Written by Bart Howard

Sing by Frank Sinatra


Fly me to the moon 
And let me play among the stars 
Let me see what spring is like 
On Jupiter and Mars 
In other words, hold my hand 
In other words, baby kiss me 

Fill my life with song 
And let me sing forevermore 
You are all I hope for 
All I worship and adore 
In other words, please be true 
In other words, I love you. 

Fill my heart with song 
And let me sing forevermore 
You are all I hope for 
All I worship and adore 

In other words, please be true 
In other words, I love you. 

這是Bellagio 每15分鐘就表演一次的水舞裡的其中一首,我很愛很愛的一首。真的很好聽,配合著的水舞與燈光也很美很華麗,每每表演完總是有人激動地想拍手。要身歷其境才能感受的到吧,我想。那是想像不到的美麗,也是語言表達不出的。 

兩天前的我就站在Bellagio 的圍欄前,待了一個小時等著每15分鐘的表演,享受著美麗的氣氛也感動讚嘆著,我想那一刻的我,很幸福。 


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